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Assess your sleep, diet, exercise, and stress levels in relation to your flow state.

Assess your sleep, diet, exercise, and stress levels in relation to your flow state.

How many hours of sleep do you usually get each night?

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Less than 6 hours
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6-8 hours
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More than 8 hours
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Which of the following describes your diet?

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Mostly processed and fast food
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Balanced with a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
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Mostly junk food and sugary snacks
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1-2 times
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3-5 times
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More than 5 times
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Which of the following activities do you find most stressful?

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None of the above
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How do you manage your stress levels?

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Talking to a friend or family member
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Ignoring it
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None of the above
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What challenges do you face in maintaining a healthy lifestyle?

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Which of the following contributes to a better sleep quality?

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Regular exercise
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Heavy meals before bed
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Irregular sleep schedule
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Excessive caffeine consumption
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Which of the following is the most important factor for a healthy diet?

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Balance of macronutrients
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Strict calorie counting
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Frequent junk food consumption
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Elimination of all carbohydrates
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Which of the following techniques can help reduce stress?

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Excessive multitasking
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Avoiding social interactions
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Which of the following can affect your sleep quality? (Select all that apply)

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Noise pollution
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Using electronic devices before bed
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Regular exercise
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Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule
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Which of the following are essential macronutrients? (Select all that apply)

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How do you manage stress in your daily life?

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Your Result Type is Optimal Flow State

Congratulations! Your sleep, diet, exercise, and stress levels are perfectly aligned with your flow state. You are likely experiencing high levels of focus, productivity, and enjoyment in your everyday activities. Keep up the good work!