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Answer YES or NO based on your current emotions, beliefs and behavior.
We hope this shines positive, valuable light toward your best life...

Almost there...
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Your score suggests you currently have few positive habits, and tremendous lack of self awareness, will power and emotional control in fundamental areas of your one current life. Are you living Your Best Life?
Don't like your result?
Look in the mirror. Keep developing Your Self. Become Better. Test again.
You could just answer them as if you were self realized and gloat. But, that won't take you to your best life. It'll take you even further away.
Right now, you may feel doomed to work hard for years in return for whatever wage you can hustle, while failing to become continuously valuable and grateful, bitterly hoping that someday, something outside of you will change your life, before time, health or money runs out.
As is, Daily Personal Power and Long Term Success are not realistic expectations or probable outcomes, since few essential personal habits, skills, and concepts are currently being demonstrated as understood, developed, or applied by you to any sort of concrete plan for your future. You can't create a new future if you're living in the past.
Don't be a victim. You are here and now with a giant inside, and it's waiting for you to take full responsibility for your life, thoughts, and actions, in order to radically transform your beliefs and disciplines.
So, do you want to Love Your Life, by your own design and discipline?

Your path toward Self Realization is off to a great start!
Your score is a sum of your key positive habits, emotions, personal self development and growth planning.
Your score indicates you demonstrate positive habits, self awareness, growing will power and emotional control.
Keep Up The Great Personal Growth!
Look over your incorrect answers. Visualize how your life will improve with each positive adjustment.
Remember, ensure that your daily strength, happiness and health are top priority to guarantee you the power to easily overcome challenges and celebrate successes, along your journey to achieve Your Unique Definite Purpose.
Want be even better by your own design and discipline?

Well Done and Congratulations!
Your score shows you demonstrate above average self awareness, will power, emotional maturity, knowledge, practice, and positive planning and action, toward your definite life purpose.
If you don't yet have a list of short-term Personal Goals (tomorrow, next month, this year) and long-term Personal Goals (5 years, 10 years, lifetime) written down with high emotion, and in vibrant detail, then get busy! This is one of the key actions. If you don't have a clear step-by-step map, you'll never know how to get where you want to go.
Planning with clear intention and strong positive emotion, leads toward a Best Life filled with power, freedom and the success of your creation!
Time to start causing an effect!
Want to try another quiz? Is your Self Purpose already clear to you?

Your score suggests you are on a fantastic journey right now, living your best life, that you intentionally plan, maintain, and grow, with daily care.
You probably also feel powerfully unique and stand out from the crowd, co-workers, and friends, by always being of valuable service, while showing gratitude, self awareness, will power, emotional maturity, knowledge and positive action, with love at all times. Which when practiced continuously, with purpose, bathed in your gratitude for everything, simply becomes the great life fulfilled.
Keep Living Your Dream and Loving Your Life!
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